August Fellowship Gathering: 社企創業。樂在企中

Event Date : Aug 10, 2018

Start/End Time : 1930 hrs
Event Location : Xi Hotel, Tsim Sha Tusi
#One of the aims of this MFG also serves as the sharing session of signature project of JCI Queensway this year - “Be With U-Social Innovation Internship Programme” 伴你同行-社企大專實習計劃.

#We have invited the founding members of two renowned social enterprises in Hong Kong to share their entrepreneurship and how they position their companies in the market. In the mean time, they always consider serving the society the top priority of their companies. What’s more, students from the “Be With U” proje

#Do you always hear about Social Enterprises from the news…?

#Do you want to serve your community in a more meaningful way?

#Do you want to learn about how the social enterprises in Hong Kong were founded and sustained nowadays?

#One of the aims of this MFG also serves as the sharing session of signature project of JCI Queensway this year - “Be With U-Social Innovation Internship Programme” 伴你同行-社企大專實習計劃.  

#We have invited the founding members of two renowned social enterprises in Hong Kong to share their entrepreneurship and how they position their companies in the market. In the mean time, they always consider serving the society the top priority of their companies. What’s more, students from the “Be With U” project will share their happiness or hardship during the internship!

#If you want to learn from founding members’ stories or are interested in students’ internship experience, don’t miss out on this MFG! Savory refreshments are provided!

Star Guests:

  •                李淑慧小姐 - 香港善導會副總幹事兼明朗服務有限公司總經理
  •                黃文瀚先生 - 長者家專業顧問有限公司營運總監




  •             QJC Friends - HK$130
  •             Non-QJC Friends - HK$150
  •             Student and Social Entreprise Representative - Free
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