JCI Creed
That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise That government should be of laws rather than of men That earth's great treasure lies in human personality And that service to humanity is the best work of life.
JCI Mission
To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
JCI Vision
To be the leading global network of young active citizens.
As a JCI member, you will have three goals -
1. To be the best member possible of your Local Organization; 2. To make your Local Organization the best in JCI; 3. As a dedicated member, to help your Local Organization make your community the best local community in the world.
Be Active
Membership in JCI is different from most other organizations. JCI membership offers so much to its members: skill training, personal development, community recognition and the satisfaction of being deeply involved in programs with lasting benefit to the community. However, these benefits are only available to the active members, those who attend meetings and who work hard on all assigned projects.
Be Committed
There is no such person as a "good, half-hearted" JCI member. The JCI movement has a philosophy, goals and purposes expressed in the JCI Mission. It requires a commitment to JCI ideals, it demands dedication to hard work, and it calls for a deep understanding of the problems of people.
If you can make this commitment, you will be an invaluable member of your Local Organization.
Be a Contributor
There are many members of JCI who are bursting with good ideas, who are sound thinkers and who can contribute to the decision-making process. However, they are often silent at meetings, perhaps because of shyness or fear their ideas will be ridiculed. Too often the really good ideas come out after the decision has been made.
Your Local Organization needs your contribution. Acquire the skill of speaking in public, think out ideas thoroughly, and present a reasoned argument in support of your views. Be prepared to listen to opposition, and accept any good points that are made. Aim to be a member who is listened to and whose ideas are valued.
Be Efficient
Efficiency is one of the keys to advancement. It is important that, whatever task you have, you understand what you have to do, you participate fully with other members and you do your part to the best of your ability. Do not be afraid to ask if you do not understand. Do not hesitate to seek help if you feel this is necessary.
There is no position in JCI that is more important than any other, and each member is one link in the human chain of achievement. The organization needs the floor member who does what he or she has to do conscientiously.