Event Date : Mar 24, 2018
Preliminary Contest:
Date: 24 March 2018 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00 -17:00
Venue: CityU Scope Campus, Admiralty
JC Class Presentation Time: 4-6 mins
Open Class Presentation Time: 4-6 mins
Fee: $350 (Contestant for 1 class); $500 (Contestant for 2 classes); $80 (Audience)
Final Contest:
Date: 8 April 2018 (Sunday)
Time: 13:00-17:00
Venue: TBA
JC Class Presentation Time: 5-7mins
Open Class Presentation Time: 4-6mins
Fee: $80 (Audience)
Application Criteria:
JC Class: All JC members aged 18-40, including prospective members
Topic: To be released in the workshop session
Language: English Only
Open Class: All individuals aged 18-40
Topic: Self Defined*
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin or English
*Open Class topic is self-defined but has to follow the restriction stated in the contest guide book. Topics needs to be submitted to JCI HK on or before 17th March for approval.
Remarks: All JC members are welcome to join any one of the classes and all JC Class contestants required to attend the workshop held on 3 March 2018.
The Champion of JC class will represent JCIHK to participate JCI World Public Speaking Championship - Asia Pacific Selection in Japan Asia Pacific Conference in May. JCIHK champion is required to attend the Kagoshima ASPAC from 24 – 27 May, 2018.