JCI Queensway 2018 Inaugural Ceremony cum Jan MFG

Event Date : Jan 21, 2018

Our slogan of this year is “Connect the world”, which indicates the commitment of JCI Queensway to build up connection within members, with local chapters, overseas chapters, and other organizations of the community. Connection with others could only be built upon constant and effective communication. Without communication, the mutual understanding between people could never be achieved.

It is time for us to connect. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, I am writing to extend my cordial invitation to you to attend the “JCI Queensway 2018 Inaugural Ceremony cum January MFG”. The details of the Ceremony are as follows:


Date: 21 Jan 2017 (Sunday)
Time: 15:00-17:00 (registration starts at 14:30)
Venue: Falcon Room I & II, Basement, Gloucester Luk Kwok Hotel
(72 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong)
Time: 3:00 pm (Registration at 2:30pm)
Guest of Honour: Ms. Pui-king LAU, BBS, JP
Fee: JCI Queensway Member: HK$350
Non-JCI Queensway Member: HK$380
(Tea and light refreshments will be served)
Dress Code: Business Attire

Registration & Payment Method:
1. Fill in the Registration Form at: https://goo.gl/forms/p8lpj05s8C7ORYSJ2
2. Bank-in to the following account:
Account Name : Junior Chamber International Queensway (Hong Kong) Limited
Bank : The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Account No. : 102-514122-001
3. Keep the receipt and whatsapp a copy to our Registration OC Jesty Zhang (Tel: 6878 9807).

For enquiries, please contact:
Ms. Jesty ZHANG (Promotion and Registration OC)
Tel/Whatsapp: (852) 6859 7060 Email: jesty.zhang@jciqueensway.org.hk

Mr. Anthony SZE (Chairman)
Tel/Whatsapp: (852) 68597060 Email: anthony.sze@jciqueensway.org.hk

The new Board of Directors of JCI Queensway is ready to communicate with you. Please come and support their inauguration and we will witness a new start of JCI Queensway in 2018 together.

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