Event Date : Jul 09, 2017
Nowadays, Children have to handle a lot of stress in difference area. If they do not tackle it in a effective way, it may lead to low down the learning ability, loss of appetite, or acting difference, extreme behavior.
JCI Queensway will hold a forum about the source of the children’s stress and a fun day in 9th July and 23rd July 2017 respectively. There is some expert in difference areas such as principal and doctor etc. They will share about how to deal with the emotions and mental stress of children. For the fun day, it is for practicing the effective way "ACT Model" to communicate with your children though games.
A: acknowledge the feeling
C:communicate the limit
T:target alternatives
Small Change, Big difference! July 7 & 23, Be with us! Let create a happy childhood for your children together!
Register now:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0_xB-IhVVn5LA3RfxdOI2kIKL_MsOevVO1hPhFUqs9q8GvQ/viewform